Author - Emma McLaughlan

Wild and Whimsical Rugs

There are a plethora of great rugs out there to suit any style of room, but if you like to push the boundaries, kick off your shoes and have a wander over this little lot. Many of you may...

quirky number chairs pink beige purple decor cuckoo clock

Quirky Dining Rooms

It’s often due to a persons unique collections that a home becomes interesting, and some of these quirky dining rooms certainly provide evidence of that; precious items are displayed...

Gorgeous Home Offices

In this age of digital communication (look, we’re doing it right now!) many of us enjoy the option of working from home, and those who don’t will often have a second office at...

bespoke bookshelves reading nook

Reading Nooks: Get the Book Nook Look!

I don’t know what it is about reading nooks, but I just love them. It could be because they are cosy little hideaways where you can lose yourself in pages of adventure and romance, or it...

Beautiful Hallways

Hallways are often ignored when it comes to home design, seen only as a thoroughfare for trampling feet, or a dumping ground for wet coats and muddy shoes, but they can be so much more...

Hello My Home Rockers!

My Home Rocks isn’t about musicians who throw their telly from their window, it’s the place of stunning interiors, inspiring architecture and fabulous accessories. As this blog expands and...

bathroom tree mural

Back to Nature Bathrooms

In this million miles a minute world, our bathrooms have evolved into one of our primary relaxation zones, it’s the one room in the house where we get to literally lock the world (and our...

Cool Katz Accessories

Always on the lookout for home accessories and furniture that break away from the norm, I stumbled upon this amazing collection by Latvian company, Katz. Founded by designer Stanislav Katz...