I’ve been pondering kitchen indoor herb gardens for a while now, so I thought I’d have a root around to see what ideas are flourishing out there.
Indoor herb gardens provide a natural splash of colour in a kitchen, and infuse the room with appetising smells even before you whip out the pans. It’s also an ideal place to add a quirky creative touch to your cooking space, with endless possibilities that range from rustic DIY planters decorated in chalkboard paint, so that you may chalk labels for your culinary cuttings, to clever ceiling-mounted and upside-down sky planters.
If your wallet is burning a hole in your apron, you might like to indulge in the rather fabulous Miroir en Herbe design; indoor herb gardens with an abstract waterfall composition constructed in mirror finish stainless steel. The ingenious product appears more as piece of art than as a plant pot and you will pay big gallery prices for this one too as each sloping section retails for around two hundred pounds a pop!
Adding Some Light to Your Indoor Herb Gardens
Another designer option is the Glasshouse lamp, which combines a kitchen pendant light with a greenhouse, or glasshouse, as the name suggests. The otherwise wasted heat from your overhead light bulb will help cultivate your little sprouts, resulting in a cunningly green addition to your green fingers.
If your herbs already have all the heat they need, you can still light up your plant life using non-heat emitting, growth promoting LED lighting for an equally illuminating effect.
Personally, I love the towering banks of pockets and troughs that make up entire plant walls, the multiplicity accomplishes exciting impact from simple additions, but for now I think just the one shelf will do for me, my plants will all be dead by next week anyway!
If you’re planning any of the indoor herb gardens or salad walls seen above, or something completely different, we’d love to see a pic of the finished project! Send it using our quick Submission Form!