In just a few weeks’ time, ghosts, witches and zombies will be wandering the streets looking to terrorise the neighbourhood. No, this isn’t an episode of The Walking Dead – it’s Halloween of course!
If you’re planning on throwing a spooky party, or welcoming the hordes of scary children hungry for sweets (and brains) to your door, here’s how to make your house ready for Halloween:
No Halloween celebration would be complete without a pumpkin or two. Pick up a few pumpkins in a range of sizes from your local supermarket and get ready to get creative! Once carved, they will make the perfect feature either side of your front door – the more the better!
You could even have a pumpkin carving competition inthe run-up to Halloween. Gather your friends and family and see who can create the most haunting pumpkin ever.
If your inspiration has ran a little bit dry, you can cut a few corners by printing out a pumpkin carving stencil. You can find a great collection of templates all over the web, from famous faces to classic Halloween designs, that you can use to create the perfect pumpkin that all will admire.
Paper chains are a simple and easy way to transform your home into a creepy crypt. All you will need is coloured paper and a pair of scissors. Go for orange and black sheets for a really scary look.

Via Kidspot
You could go for a simple loop paper chain, or something a little bit more intricate like these bat, witch and spider chains. They are simple to make, due to the printable template, and will be a fabulous additions to any room.
When it comes to shop bought decorations, fake cobwebs are a must. Stretch them across picture frames, ornaments and curtains for a truly ancient look. Door stickers are another great option too, letting all guests know where the party is.
A lot of stores are selling fake tombstones this year. Dot these about your garden, along with a few stray bones and skulls, to terrify passers-by.
Happy Halloween!